Christmas morning the girls loved opening everyone's gifts. Later that day uncle Derek, aunt Kerry and jaz showed up and we watched them open gifts. Then later Auntie and Uncle Shane showed up and opened gifts. That night we came home and the girls enjoyed opening up gifts at home. I would have to agree that you think Christmas is the best when you a child, then you learn that it is so much better when you have a child and get to watch there excitement.
Monday, December 30, 2013
Christmas Eve and Christmas
I didn't have to work this year which was nice, Daddy did at the hospital. So I packed the girls up and went to Nana and Papas. We got to enjoy some "redneck sledding" where we loaded up the four wheeler and went across the street to sled with the cows. The girls had fun, now that I'm the parent and realize how much work it is to dress and undress. I certainly appreciate my parents more. They were both good sports Papa ran the four wheeler up and down the hill so we didn't have to walk up the hill. That night we had dinner and had a call from daddy. He was supposed to work Christmas Day too and we didn't expect him at nana and papas. He gave us the best surprise when he showed up that night and said they hopefully wouldn't need him.
Christmas morning the girls loved opening everyone's gifts. Later that day uncle Derek, aunt Kerry and jaz showed up and we watched them open gifts. Then later Auntie and Uncle Shane showed up and opened gifts. That night we came home and the girls enjoyed opening up gifts at home. I would have to agree that you think Christmas is the best when you a child, then you learn that it is so much better when you have a child and get to watch there excitement.
Christmas morning the girls loved opening everyone's gifts. Later that day uncle Derek, aunt Kerry and jaz showed up and we watched them open gifts. Then later Auntie and Uncle Shane showed up and opened gifts. That night we came home and the girls enjoyed opening up gifts at home. I would have to agree that you think Christmas is the best when you a child, then you learn that it is so much better when you have a child and get to watch there excitement.
Nestler Christmas
We got to go up to Wolf Creek in Eden UT withe the Nestlers. We enjoyed family time, where we got to go sledding, hot tubbing, play games, make shirts, and go see the lights in ogden. Lights were one of my favorites. The kids did pretty well until it got pretty cold, I remember doing things like that when I was a kid, with all the windows decorated.. It was so much fun to be with family and enjoy some downtime. We also got to enjoy our new vehicle which was fun.
Friday, December 27, 2013
Braelyn 18 mos
Braelyn weighs in at 18.1 lbs. She is fun and learning all the time. She is getting her back bottom molars. Rae is talking more and more and picks up a lot. some of our favorites, ok, off, on, button, bath, chocolate, candy, drink, chip, milk, hungry. she also says owie, Brie Brie, treat, cereal, hug, shoe, socks, boot. She knows her mouth, eyes, ears, toes, fingers, bum hair, she is still our climber. She is so cute to hear sing "hit the road jack", "Jesus wants me for a sunbeam", and "popcorn popping".
Recently she is saying Grandma and Grandpa, boogie, Im messy, Stop, avacado and Careful. She is in 18 mo jammies, 12 mos onesies, size 3 shoes. She loves to dance, play babies, doc mcstuffins and princess sophia are popular in our house. Just the other day she was crying so hard she passed herself out. I thought she was just throwing a fit when i picked her up and she was limp. She scared me to death. WE also took them to there first movie to watch Frozen which they loved.
Brie has also been cracking us up. She always asks her Daddy if he is sleeping over??. I laugh everytime and tell her that Daddy always sleeps over. Also recently we told Brie that Uncle Derek and Aunt Kerry were having a baby and Brie looked up at me and says "did her eat it?" oh that girl.
Recently she is saying Grandma and Grandpa, boogie, Im messy, Stop, avacado and Careful. She is in 18 mo jammies, 12 mos onesies, size 3 shoes. She loves to dance, play babies, doc mcstuffins and princess sophia are popular in our house. Just the other day she was crying so hard she passed herself out. I thought she was just throwing a fit when i picked her up and she was limp. She scared me to death. WE also took them to there first movie to watch Frozen which they loved.
Brie has also been cracking us up. She always asks her Daddy if he is sleeping over??. I laugh everytime and tell her that Daddy always sleeps over. Also recently we told Brie that Uncle Derek and Aunt Kerry were having a baby and Brie looked up at me and says "did her eat it?" oh that girl.
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Christmas Pictures
We decided to take pictures last minute on a November day when it reached 60 degrees. I grabbed the girls and we quickly got ready and took pictures. Then we took some pictures at Nana and Papas one sunday.
Monday, November 4, 2013
Halloween I got to get off from work early. We decided to do a family of skeletons, although for dance class Brie got to dress up as Alice in wonderland and Rae was a duck. We dressed up and made our eyes black and white faces. I made bones necklaces and put bones in the girls hair. We took them to see great grandma and grandpa Wellard, and grandma nestler. Then we took the girls down old town and to Nana's work. We then went to our trunk or treat and dinner.
Pumpkin patch and Pumpkin carving
October 19 we made plans to go to the swore farms pumpkin patch. My girls were sick but were troopers. We met cindi, Jed, Carden, Gannen, marcela and her two girls. We got to go with Nana, Auntie, and Aunt Julie Derek, Kerry, and jaz. It was a lot of fun, we got to feed the turkeys, play games, do a kids hay maze, corn maze and do a tractor ride to pick out our pumpkins. It was a lot of fun the maze had fun questions to direct you which way to go.
Later that week we carved pumpkins. The girls loved coloring and putting stickers on there pumpkins. Mike carved Albert Einstein and I carved a spider.
Later that week we carved pumpkins. The girls loved coloring and putting stickers on there pumpkins. Mike carved Albert Einstein and I carved a spider.
Girls update
The girls are learning more and more. Within the last few months Brie has some funny sayings. She tells you "it's not Bries favorite", "take the skin off"(which is take the crust off bread), "what the heck you talking about". One day she told me "mom I have a haircut like you, and sissy has a haircut like daddy". Also "you make me crazy". She is quick to pick things up and repeat, stupid is a bad word in our house. She can be very challenging, but so sweet too. She is a great teacher to her sissy, they are best friends or enemies. Bries vocabulary is growing, she loves being in dance and picks up quick. a funny story a few weeks ago we were at Nana and Papas and Brie was feeding chickens w/Papa. All of a sudden I saw Papa running toward the house. I assumed Brie had to go potty so I yelled from the deck sit her down and she will run. Well Papa put her on the grass and all of a sudden Brie pulled down her pants and peed on the grass. Papa laughed and said "I didn't teach her that". I ran toward her trying to stop her but was too late. crazy girl it was one for the books.
Rae says happy, binky, help me, here momma, auntie, sticky, hello, hat, open, please, thank you, and lately chocolate. She has learned to defend herself by saying no, also wants to follow sissy everywhere.we had to take the girls in 2weeks ago and both had double ear infections. We are all getting better now. Brie was 24.2 lbs and Rae was 17.2 lbs. Rae also got two more top teeth and top molars. She is quite the copy cat and repeats words really well. We got rid of the binky on Saturday Nov 2. She cries a little but has done pretty well. I tried cutting it and she cried worse so we just threw them away and she cries a little but is fine. we got her second flu shot on 11/11.
Rae says happy, binky, help me, here momma, auntie, sticky, hello, hat, open, please, thank you, and lately chocolate. She has learned to defend herself by saying no, also wants to follow sissy everywhere.we had to take the girls in 2weeks ago and both had double ear infections. We are all getting better now. Brie was 24.2 lbs and Rae was 17.2 lbs. Rae also got two more top teeth and top molars. She is quite the copy cat and repeats words really well. We got rid of the binky on Saturday Nov 2. She cries a little but has done pretty well. I tried cutting it and she cried worse so we just threw them away and she cries a little but is fine. we got her second flu shot on 11/11.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
For the past few weeks we have had huge rain and hail storms. One fri it was mom and me bailing water before mike and dad arrived. I had my dad go buy us sump pumps. We have had a few more storms one last tues. it tends to happen right when I get off work at 3. This time I got some pictures and will post. Our street looked like a river.
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Girls checkups
Brie had her 3 year old checkup. She weighs 23 lbs. She told the doctor I'm coming for my checkup but I don't want a shot. we just signed her up for dance class and she is so excited.
Braelyn had her 15 mos checkup. She weighs 16 lbs 5 oz. She says hi Dada, cracker, go, sissy, Nana, papa, uh oh, ouch. She moos like a cow, crows like a rooster, rufs like as puppy. She knows her nose, eyes, toes, and head. Shw waves her finger and says no no, and ew, hi and hello. she is trying to get a few more teeth.She also was my brave girl and got two shots. Rae is my climber on everything I cant turn my back for a second. She also now scoots on her bum down the stairs and wants to eat everything by herself.
Braelyn had her 15 mos checkup. She weighs 16 lbs 5 oz. She says hi Dada, cracker, go, sissy, Nana, papa, uh oh, ouch. She moos like a cow, crows like a rooster, rufs like as puppy. She knows her nose, eyes, toes, and head. Shw waves her finger and says no no, and ew, hi and hello. she is trying to get a few more teeth.She also was my brave girl and got two shots. Rae is my climber on everything I cant turn my back for a second. She also now scoots on her bum down the stairs and wants to eat everything by herself.
Alturas Lake
We had the opportunity to go on a vacation to alturas lake. We had lots of fun staying in a cabin, sharing meals, playing in Stanley and Red Fish lakes. Also we got to go to natural hot pools, hiking and playing with family. It was beautiful and we had fun. It was a lot of driving 4.5 hours one way due to the fires. The girls did really well and had fun in the water. Brie loved canoeing and swinging.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Brie is 3
It's hard to believe three years ago I brought home my first baby. We really had no idea what we were doing, which is like most new parents. We learn more and more every year and are taught just as much. Brie is our big helper and her vocabulary is sure growing. My favorite expressions lately "please just one drink water" "I'm ready to listen" "Brie is sorry I love u" "calm down" "im not talkin to u, im talking to bries sister" last night she said "stop teasing me lol"I love how she sings "I am a child of god and strawberry shortcake" she is all the way potty trained a few weeks ago she decided on her own no more pull ups. She wanted a strawberry shortcake party. We had strawberry glasses and murals. the kids did pin the strawberry. We had cake and cupcakes, strawberry lemonade, ordered pizza and had a huge water fight. we were also very proud of Brie she has been scared of fire and candles and blew hers out. I think the adults had more fun than the kids. We had a lot of fun and appreciated all that came
Monday, July 29, 2013
Updated Girls pictures
Mike and I took the girls to Ross Park and did some photos. I needed and updated one of the girls and individuals. They turned out really cute.
Girls update
Brie has been a very good girl about a week ago she decided she didn't want to wear pull ups to bed and has been great at getting up in the middle of the night if she needs to go potty. What a big girl. Her vocabulary and girltude have been growing as well. Her famous sayings are "leave me alone", and "its not Brie's fault its your fault", "I promise, "stop it,". Her prayers are so cute she always remembers to thank for this day and pray for her family. Sometimes multiple times she will say the same name. She loves to dress herself and wear dress up clothes and shoes. She also tells you "you are her favorite." She is a great big sissy and is growing too fast.
Rae is walking and running everywhere. She recently got her two eye teeth on top. She is a binky and bottle baby we are trying to wean her off. She wants to do everything her sissy is doing and understands a lot. She goes to get her shoes and gets in her carseat when we say "lets go." Her newest things are to hold her nose and say "honk honk" and when we say yucky she says"ka ka".She loves to wear her sissy's dress up shoes or ours on her hands and feet. loves to be outside and has stared throwing tantrums and sitting on the ground. We just moved her to size 3 diapers and is in 12 mos clothes. She is also growing so fast.
Rae is walking and running everywhere. She recently got her two eye teeth on top. She is a binky and bottle baby we are trying to wean her off. She wants to do everything her sissy is doing and understands a lot. She goes to get her shoes and gets in her carseat when we say "lets go." Her newest things are to hold her nose and say "honk honk" and when we say yucky she says"ka ka".She loves to wear her sissy's dress up shoes or ours on her hands and feet. loves to be outside and has stared throwing tantrums and sitting on the ground. We just moved her to size 3 diapers and is in 12 mos clothes. She is also growing so fast.
Steadmans Place
In June we had the opportunity to go to Steadmans Place. A family that allows you to come to there residence. Where you can do slides, sandbox, swings, zip line, skeet shoot, and camp. It was beautiful and fun. We did the day w/the Nestlers and that evening we had our first family campout. We were lucky enough to borrow Grandpa and Grandma Nestlers Camper so we didn't have to tent it. It was super windy so we were glad we had somewhere to go. The girls did a lot better than I expected. They both loved the slide and swings. I think Brie's favorite was the little play house.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
July 4 th
I was able to get off work so we took the girls to the parade. We met Nana, Papa, Auntie, Uncle Shane, Grandma and Grandpa Nestler, Uncle Jake and Hunter. It was super hot at 102 degrees so we felt like we were melting. After the short parade we went to Jamba Juice and then home. W lounged for a while then ordered some pizza. We decided it would be fun to have a water balloon fight. Later we were going to go up to the fairground but Brie was scared of the fireworks so we stayed home. Good thing too since the fireworks didn't go off til 11:15 pm. Had a wonderful time with family.
June Vacation
We took the family on a small vacation to SLC the week of June 24. Mike and I started on Monday at primary children's where I had a doctors appt with Etheridge, and had a 24 hr holter. We stayed at Aunt Lindad and Uncle Bobs with no kids so mike could study for his first board on tues. Tuesday Mike went to take his board and Nana and Auntie brought the girls.
Wednesday we took the girls to Hogle Zoo and Shari, Jaycee, Amaya, Aunt Sam, little Adam joined. It was fun to watch the bird show and see all the animals. I hope the girls enjoyed it. Later that day since it was 101 degrees we went to swim at Aunt Linda's. Rae didn't like the water at all bit Brie did.
Thursday we took the girls and Amaya, Jaycee and Adam and Aunt Linda to jungle Jim's. the girls had a blast and rode the rides all day. Best 7.00 we spent. Rae loved the little jeep ride. Nana went with her the first time and I just missed taking a picture. Then she rode by herself, I was very surprised. She even went with Daddy on the roller coaster. Brie had a blast and was fearless as always. She loved the roller coaster and the carousel.
Friday we picked up Grandma Clark and headed to the living Aquarium. It was really beautiful and to see all the animals and fish. My girls loved every minute of it. Brie loved walking like a penguin. We got to see Nemo and dory so Brie was pretty excited. They had all kinds of snakes and frogs too. A big octopus and tiny sea horses. It was a lot of fun. We are so grateful for our family.
Wednesday we took the girls to Hogle Zoo and Shari, Jaycee, Amaya, Aunt Sam, little Adam joined. It was fun to watch the bird show and see all the animals. I hope the girls enjoyed it. Later that day since it was 101 degrees we went to swim at Aunt Linda's. Rae didn't like the water at all bit Brie did.
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Thursday we took the girls and Amaya, Jaycee and Adam and Aunt Linda to jungle Jim's. the girls had a blast and rode the rides all day. Best 7.00 we spent. Rae loved the little jeep ride. Nana went with her the first time and I just missed taking a picture. Then she rode by herself, I was very surprised. She even went with Daddy on the roller coaster. Brie had a blast and was fearless as always. She loved the roller coaster and the carousel.
Friday we picked up Grandma Clark and headed to the living Aquarium. It was really beautiful and to see all the animals and fish. My girls loved every minute of it. Brie loved walking like a penguin. We got to see Nemo and dory so Brie was pretty excited. They had all kinds of snakes and frogs too. A big octopus and tiny sea horses. It was a lot of fun. We are so grateful for our family.
Memorial weekend
We had the opportunity to take the girls to Chesterfield on Monday. We had the opportunity to go to the church Papa helped restore which was cool. We also went on a hay ride and a rope swing, watched wood carvings. It was nice to get away for a day. We went with Nana Papa, and Jaycee it was fun
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Great Grandma Clark
On 4/7/13 we got to visit with Grandma Clark. She came for a day visit it was fun and the girls loved it.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Braelyn is 1
I can't believe it has been a year already. We had a cute ladybug party for Rae. I dressed her like a little ladybug and she was a really good sport. We had family come over to watch her open gifts and eat cupcakes. Rae ate the whole cupcake and cracked us up. She wasn't sure how to open gifts but her big sis didn't hold anything back. We loved having the support and it was a beautiful day. HAppy Birthday Rae.
She has decided she wants to walk all over the place now and is our climber. She is in size 2 diapers and 9-12 mos clothes.. She is so cute to watch blow kisses and make sounds. She has become our copy cat and has two front teeth coming in on top. I love the way she scrunches her nose and laughes. She is now really pulling hair and grabbing everything to put in her mouth. She loves food and doesn't really want baby food anymore.
She has decided she wants to walk all over the place now and is our climber. She is in size 2 diapers and 9-12 mos clothes.. She is so cute to watch blow kisses and make sounds. She has become our copy cat and has two front teeth coming in on top. I love the way she scrunches her nose and laughes. She is now really pulling hair and grabbing everything to put in her mouth. She loves food and doesn't really want baby food anymore.
Mother's Day and Bries first haircut
Mother's Day was nice and relaxing. We got to see both of our wonderful moms, we don't know what we would do without them. Later in the day we also got to celebrate Auntie birthday. Sisters are best friends that never leave and are always there. Love my sis.
It was also exciting to cut Bries hair on may 17, but also sad. She had never had a haircut and I was a little worried. She was such a big girl in the chair and the first cut took off about 6 inches and that wasn't short enough for me so I had it cut about 3 inches more. I love it its so cute and I think Brie was happy. Had to save the locks for her baby book.
It was also exciting to cut Bries hair on may 17, but also sad. She had never had a haircut and I was a little worried. She was such a big girl in the chair and the first cut took off about 6 inches and that wasn't short enough for me so I had it cut about 3 inches more. I love it its so cute and I think Brie was happy. Had to save the locks for her baby book.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Yesterday we got to take Brie out fishing for her first time. We got to go for a few hours at a pond in Pocatello. We went w/Grandpa and Grandma Nestler, Aunt Steph and Uncle Tyler, Uncle Jake, Aunt Lyn and Hunter. We had fun and Brie lasted even longer than I thought.
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Girls days
Last Thursday Brie got to go with Daddy to work. Brie was so excited all day. We did curl formers and Daddy picked the outfit. They must have had a lot of fun because Brie won't quit talking about it.
On Friday Nana and the girls and I had to make our weekly trip to the grocery store. Rae is getting big enough to go in the front of the cart, so we put her in the cart. People tend to watch and say how cute she is as we go through the isles. But, Friday while I was picking out yogurt an older couple were talking to Rae. He was trying to get her to smile and then said she needed ice cream. He handed her a dollar, I said thank you. I don't know If I felt flattered or worried. Nonetheless I will bring her to the grocery store every day if she gets money. ;)
On Friday Nana and the girls and I had to make our weekly trip to the grocery store. Rae is getting big enough to go in the front of the cart, so we put her in the cart. People tend to watch and say how cute she is as we go through the isles. But, Friday while I was picking out yogurt an older couple were talking to Rae. He was trying to get her to smile and then said she needed ice cream. He handed her a dollar, I said thank you. I don't know If I felt flattered or worried. Nonetheless I will bring her to the grocery store every day if she gets money. ;)

Friday, April 19, 2013
Mike is 30
Yes it's official Mike is 30. We started celebrating on Thursday night after primary children's. where Brie weighed 22 lbs and is going to moved to nadolol tablets. She is doing great which made her daddy happy. We went that night to the Old Spaghetti Factory in SLC where my mom and I had planned a surprise. We had aunts, cousins and grandparents there and got to enjoy company.
On sat we woke up late and lounged. Then I told mike we would go out to eat at sizzler. I had to have him there by 430 so that was a task but idid it. I had a surprise dinner planned with family and got to enjoy everyone's company. Mike didn't have a clue on either dinner so I was proud of myself. Then that night Mike and I went to a movie GI Joe, obviously his choice. We had fun and I hope he enjoyed it.
On sat we woke up late and lounged. Then I told mike we would go out to eat at sizzler. I had to have him there by 430 so that was a task but idid it. I had a surprise dinner planned with family and got to enjoy everyone's company. Mike didn't have a clue on either dinner so I was proud of myself. Then that night Mike and I went to a movie GI Joe, obviously his choice. We had fun and I hope he enjoyed it.
Braelyn 10 mos
Time is flying by, but so fun. Braelyn is crawling all over the place and pulling herself up on everything. She is getting more vocal and loves to dance. She finally got two bottom teeth a few weeks ago, which she wasn't very happy to get. She loves her gerber snacks and feeds herself. She loves to wave bye bye and we are working on blowing kisses. She wears 9 mo clothes, size 2 diapers and still a petite girl. She is so sweet and loves to give kisses and hugs.
We got to enjoy a weekend of fun with family. On Saturday we went to grandma and grandpa Nestlers. We did an Easter egg hunt outside and played. We got to enjoy time with family and play at Uncle Jake and Aunt lyns.
On Sunday the girls were funny and tried to find there eggs before church. But, you can't find very many when you have 9 am church. We came home and the girls got to open their Easter baskets and find eggs. We went to nana and papas had dinner and played with family outside.
We also colored eggs which was a fun time. The girls crack us up Brie was our dyer and Rae was our breaker.
On Sunday the girls were funny and tried to find there eggs before church. But, you can't find very many when you have 9 am church. We came home and the girls got to open their Easter baskets and find eggs. We went to nana and papas had dinner and played with family outside.
We also colored eggs which was a fun time. The girls crack us up Brie was our dyer and Rae was our breaker.
Monday, March 18, 2013
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